Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hot Wheels

Hot Wheels were born in 4th Grade. Christmas, 1969. Dad got a whole handful or two when they first appeared in the stores and a couple of track sets with the powerhouses, and brought them to us Christmas morning. My brother and I put the two track sets together into one long oval with a powerhouse in the middle of each straightaway. We had most of the debut models that first day. I still have them, though some are a bit race-weary. I still collect the new ones I like - they are only a dollar. Can you believe it?

We brought them to school. We would go over to Dennis' house during lunch recess and see his new Boss Mustang hot wheel that came out after the debut. White. We would play with them out by the two cottonwood (or were they box elder?) giants that grew through the asphalt in the middle of the 4th Grade playground.

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